When most people think of autumn color, they picture the
reds, orange and gold of falling leaves. Not so for me. For me, the color of
autumn is pink. That’s because October is breast cancer awareness month.
Breast cancer is the second most common kind of cancer in
women. About 1 in 8 women in the United States will get breast
cancer at some point.

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a chance to raise
awareness about the importance of early detection of breast cancer. To help spread
the word about mammograms and encourage communities, organizations, families,
and individuals to get involved, I surround myself with hot pink this time each

Pink Lady depicted a sailboat. Pink Racer was a bicycle. These paintings
conveyed a sense of hope and eventual freedom from this devastating disease.
The third painting depicted a bevy of pink flamingos. The flamingos symbolize the support
that women give each other to battle breast cancer.
So if you're a woman, get a mammogram this month. For women 40 or older, they're covered by insurance, usually with no deductible or coinsurance.
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