Another of the authors taking part in Saturday’s Indie
Author Day is Carol Ervin. Her story is all too common. After years of writing, she
had begun to doubt that success would come to her. And (as she wryly observes) she wasn’t getting any younger. So she decided after a lot of thought and
deliberation to self-publish The Girl on the Mountain. “When I decided to
publish on my own, I thought I’d learned enough from forums, blogs, and books
to equal a bachelor’s degree in independent publishing,” said Carol. “Still, I
felt I was exposing myself as an idiot that day in 2012 when I hit the ‘publish’
button on the Kindle Direct Publishing website. Three years later, I think I’ve
surely accumulated enough knocks to equal a Ph.D.”
The Girl on the Mountain is historical fiction. It is set in 1900
in a mountain logging town. Although it does not feature significant events or
important historical persons, Carol regards it as “period fiction” because it
shows how people were affected by the economy, culture and setting of the time.
It is both a character and plot-driven story, and judging from reader
responses, those features and the historical setting are responsible for its
Carol published a sequel (Cold Comfort) the next year. Then in 2014, she published the
third in the series (Midwinter Sun) plus something different, a science/fiction
dystopian novel (Dell Zero). Her fifth publication was Ridgetop, the remake
of a story that had been in the drawer for about ten years.
Carol chose to release her
novels as ebooks. She’s had mixed results. But what she has a wealth of is knowledge
about how to self-publish and self-market books. Come to Indie Author Day.
Carol will be glad to talk shop with you or merely share her inspiration for
her stories, which are really exceptional.
In addition to Carol, a number of other authors will be in the gallery celebrating Indie Author Day. Besides myself (I'm more of an illustrator than an author .... at least for now), Betty Freberg, Fran Thomas, Michael Silberg and Tom Hall will be on hand. They'll have books, signing pens and lots of knowledge and stories to share. So I hope to see you Saturday. Indie Author Day runs from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.
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