In the days before social media, Twitter and TMZ, what
happened behind palace doors did not filter down to the masses, who were
largely ignorant of the lavish Christmas trees the royals decorated every year.
That landscape changed dramatically after Charlotte’s granddaughter, Victoria,
became queen thanks to a 16-page illustrated supplement printed by the London
Illustrated News on December 23, 1848.
The supplement contained a woodcut
engraving of Victoria, Albert, five of their children and a governess gathered
around a table-top evergreen adorned with sweets and ornaments, illuminated by
candles and topped by an angel. Unwrapped presents—dolls, mounted cavalrymen
and a figurine in a horse-drawn chariot—encircle its base. The tree itself,
with six uniformly spaced tiers of boughs, looked too meticulous to be real. It
was a depiction of a picture-perfect family Christmas, worthy of a holiday

In that year, the Victorian Christmas tree
engraving came to the attention of a woman by the name of Sarah Josepha Hale.
In addition to being the reputed author of “Mary Had a Little Lamb,” Hale was
the editor of a influential monthly magazine called Godey’s Lady’s Book. Hale “Americanized”
the engraving - removing Victoria’s tiara, Albert’s royal sash and moustache,
and the boxes of German biscuits from beneath the Christmas tree.
The Godey’s engraving was one of the first widely circulated
illustrations of a decorated Christmas tree in the United States, and it was
soon followed by similar depictions in Harper’s and other major American
publications. [The one to the right is an engraving by no less than Winslow Homer.] As a result, Christmas trees came into vogue in America as they
had in England – as I’ll share with you in my next post.
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