The city claims it wants to add the property to its parks plan
and improve the ramp access points. Jessica Cosden, Richard Leon and Williams cast the
dissenting votes. Councilmember Jim Burch was an excused absence.
In approving annexation, the City Council dismissed our concerns
about the wildlife in the estuary, the threat of
overdevelopment, pollution of the waters since the Ceitus boat lift was
removed, and the financial impact on the Matlacha Fire Control District, which
serves the property in question.

One speaker cited the city's recent approval of eight-story
structures at the Seven Islands property over the objections of the neighboring
residents as a clear message that this council will do what it wants with the
property against citizen opposition.
Other citizens asked council to sell the
property to Matlacha instead of annexing it, or donate it to the Calusa Land
Trust for preservation.
Birdi Smock, president of the Matlacha Civic Association,
has scheduled a "Protector Rally" on Saturday, December 17, from 11
a.m. to 2 p.m. on the Matlacha Bridge. "We invite everyone to participate
in this rally. Be sure to bring water, a hat and sunscreen. You can make your
own sign or use one of ours (most will say "NO to annexation of
Matlacha".) Also bring a positive attitude - this is a peaceful rally. We
will be gathering at the bridge before 11 a.m."
I’ll keep you posted on the
action we can and should take next.
You and your neighbors are in for a real hard time. I have worked inside the City and close enough to the top to tell you that there is a long term objective for annexation of Pine Island. About 6 or 7 years ago I observed the behind-closed-doors discussion for the bridge extendining Cape Coral Parkway to St James City. District 1 Commissioner and key city council members were in on the discussion. Therefore you need to be aware that all the key events since building the Kismet water plant are part of the preparation needed for a Cape Coral build out Westward and Eastward. They plan to control your water, sewer and electric. Once the City gains control of the LCEC, the co-op will fail and the next step will be to take control of your services. Eventually all of your properties will come under the City governance. You can try to reverse their decision by applying pressure to the city council members that voted in favor, to bring it up for reconsideration at the next city council meeting. Otherwise prepare to see your beautiful way of life succumb to the Union driven plans for expansion.