While many people still use guest books at weddings and
similar events, I find them archaic, cold and impersonal. So I came up with a
different idea for the opening reception of my Sidney & Berne Davis Art
Center retrospective, Palettes: Past
Present and Pursuits. I handed folks a silver Sharpie and asked them to
autograph the long black coat I wore for the occasion.
The problem with guest books is that they have a way of
getting shoved in a drawer and forgotten about. And when you think about it, that's really a shame. But I can actually wear my long
coat whenever I have a mind to. And if you made it to my retrospective, you
might have noticed that I paint coats, heels and other articles of clothing for
special events. I’ve even been known to cut up something I’ve worn on a special
occasion and collaged them into one of my paintings. (Hint: several of these
are on display in Palettes. Can you figure out which ones they are?) So my wearable guest book could pop up in the future, either on my back on in another work of art.
But the fun doesn’t have to end with the opening night
artist’s reception. When you visit the Davis Art Center to take in the show,
post your comments on my Facebook wall or here on Leoma Lovegrove’s Everyday
Art Adventure. But don’t delay. The show only runs through January 24.
The Sidney & Berne
Davis Art Center is located at the 2301 First Street, in the heart of the
downtown Fort Myers River District. Museum hours are 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Monday through Friday. For more information, please visit http://www.sbdac.com or telephone 239-333-1933.
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