In addition to my Paint Out Loud sketches, studies and
paintings, my retrospective in January at the Sidney & Berne Davis Art
Center will include a series of paintings I’ve done of The Beatles. I’ve done
entertainment art over the years, and my paintings of Johnny Depp, Steven Tyler
and The Beatles are popular with the
folks who walk through my Matlacha gallery each day.
While I was always a fan of The Beatles and their music, I
wasn’t over the top. But my sister certainly was. I remember to this day when
we sat down to watch them perform for the first time on the Ed Sullivan Show. I
was in awe as I watched them play. John, Paul, George and Ringo were so cute.
And their music was like nothing we’d ever heard before.
But all those girls in
the audience screaming and crying like that? Really?
Then my sister started
throwing jelly beans at the television screen. It was George Harrison’s fault I later learned. He’d told an
interviewer the year before they invaded the United States that Jelly Babies
were his favorite treat and that John Lennon, ever the prankster, kept stealing
them from him.
Within no time at all, fans began sending the Fab Four boxes of Jelly
Babies. It wasn’t long before fans started throwing Jelly Babies at The Beatles
when they performed. It turns out that the foursome didn’t appreciate the
gesture the least little bit, but my sister hadn’t gotten the memo.
While I wasn’t as avid a fan as my sister, I did like their
music. And like other fans, I was sorry when they decided to quit touring 50
years ago this past August 29 - and even sadder when the band broke up, John
was murdered and George died of lung cancer. But I didn’t paint the group until much
later. It was during one of my visits to Monet’s gardens in Giverny, France.
After leaving France, my husband and I attended a book
signing in London for The Beatles in
Rishikesh that was written by Paul Saltzman, who took photos of The Beatles
while they were at the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s ashram in India. He was there
learning Meditation and took pictures not only of The Beatles, but of everyone
else who was there as well - Jane Asher, Cynthia Lennon, Pattie Boyd Harrison,
Maureen Starkey, Mia Farrow and Mike Love.
I bought a copy of the book and got it signed. The book and
the signing inspired Mike and I to visit the Beatles shop in London to see if
they had any interest in the paintings I’d done in Giverny. Although the
shopkeeper didn’t carry art in his store, gave me the name of a gallery owner
in Liverpool who he thought would want to buy my paintings.

Mike and I returned to Matlacha, but by the time I finished
and framed the four he wanted, the Liverpool dealer had already closed his
gallery and gone out of business. Go figure.
But they’ve been a popular item at Lovegrove
Gallery and Gardens and so I decided a few years ago, in anticipation of the 50th
anniversary of the date when they first came to the United States that I’d do a
series of 12 paintings which incorporated the 12 principles of basic design. It’s
this series that I’ll tell you more about here in my blog, and it’s this series
you can see for yourself during my retrospective in January at the Sidney &
Berne Davis Art Center.
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